Moving Beyond 'Dual Thinking' to live in the 'Meditative State'

When we begin to move from the 'Me' to the we we engage the spiritual aspect of ourselves more completely.

The Spiritual Aspect of ourselves is multilayered...multilevel and multifaceted.

In essence Spirit takes on and is many forms and so ultimately is not limited.

Our Soul which is the template or original matrix of our being and expression is also boundless within it's expression.

The Soul holds to a template; but this template is so expansive compared to our 'Egoic' understanding.

How do we tap into this aspect of our being? One way is to cease the habit of dual thinking. Move beyond good or bad; right or wrong into focusing on what is 'Optimum', ' Life - Enhancing' and what is right or appropriate for your right now in the present.

This type of thinking and focusing allows one to more readily move into a meditative state and have a more expanded viewpoint in life.

Beyond duality is the place of the Higher Self

Responsibility... Responding Consciously to what is happening in your life raises your vibrational frequency.

When your vibrational frequency is raised or expanded you move beyond the idea of 'right or wrong'... You move into what is right for you or right for a situation; or life enhancing for you and others...
You move into the space of what is 'optimal'.... You move beyond duality and the polarity of black and white thinking.
You move into the awareness of perception; and there are many perceptions and view points.

This movement is subtle; and yet very empowering because you are free... Free from what was to allow want is really meant to be.

Through Dyana or Vipassana meditations of 'Awareness' you can connect to more life enhancing perspectives.
Dyana or Vipassana meditation is simply the 'practice' of awareness.... Awareness of what is.... A focused awareness coupled with breath awareness....

This is where more clarity can come into our observations and witnessing. 
Through this observing of 'What  Is or' ' Witnessing' we begin to really see and we move beyond the need for extremes and the polarizing forces of an over emphasis of duality.

Beyond duality is the place of the Higher Self....beyond the mental constructs of ego mind.

I love the words below by Rumi. For me they sum up the movement or alignment beyond duality into the field or space of oneness where we can see all sides. This field of oneness is like a mountain top. There is a panoramic view; or view point.

"Out there beyond the ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field... I'll meet you there" ~ Rumi

The Path of Ascension

Ascending or rising above is not floating in the sky or escaping it is bringing in the opposite thought, idea or experience and moving into the middle plan. It is moving beyond extremes. It is a space beyond small mindedness, ego likes and dislikes. It is a place beyond “I’m right and you are wrong.”

Our inner knowing is in a field of consciousness beyond duality.  It is beyond our likes and dislikes, our pettiness. It includes this, but doesn’t remain stuck in the limitation. 
Our Inner guidance goes to the truth, the heart of the matter; which is always a little bit of both, right there in the center, in the middle way.  This is the “Tao”; the flow of life is neither to close to the left or too far to the right.
It is just right. Right in the middle.  The middle way.

This inner guidance may call us into non-action; and yet in “not acting” we are acting.   There is right action in non-action.  This does not mean procrastination or putting off.  It means using the higher mind to receive the input of when to physically act.
We are always in some form of action, if just mentally or on the inner plane. To consciously not act is an action.
Action for Action sake is not empowered action, but reaction.
excerpt from the book: Meditation for Everyday Living


How Do We Know Something New is Emerging in Our Life?

There can begin to be a break down of previously held beliefs or structures and activities that use to feel important or right.  Certain activities and sometimes certain people don't fit as well.  

There can also be a feeling of restlessness, annoyance or anxiety; and for some there is a feeling of something more....or not quite complete.

It isn't that there is something 'wrong' it is more that something isn't 'quite right'...

This gentle stirring or as some say 'Divine Discontent' is a nudge from our 'Soul' that as I like to say "The Sundial has turned"....

We don't question when the sundial has turned.  We know that another part of the sun is reflecting.  A shadow is cast on one part of the sundial and the area or land around it.  This measures the time.
A person 'Shift' or 'Emergence' is very similar.  Something is being more highlighted; while something else in one's life is more shadowed or is subsiding or retreating.
As with the sundial the shift is almost imperceptible, but very soon you see it and even feel the subtle shift. One area has more light or is more highlighted.

We receive the messages from our soul, first energetically in a very subtle way.  The more tuned in the more we feel the gentle nudge or pull in a new direction.
This new direction can be new focus, new career, relationship, or simply a new way of relating or being. It can be a new hobby or a new form of expression; or a new focus creatively.
One thing for certain this 'Spiritual Nudge' is leading you towards more fulfillment in one form or another; even if it doesn't seem so. It may feel like much or even little is leaving...Something is changing, something new is emerging.

For me when i feel this shift i become even more aware. I notice how I feel in certain situations. Do I feel a constriction or an expansion?  I ask myself "What am I learning here that is new?.
I also meditate more, and more deeply. I create even more time for my spiritual practice knowing and sensing inner message are wanting to be revealed to me.
I also, stop and ask "Show me the way." Or, "What is needed here?"  "How can I assist in this transition?"
I begin to attune even more and in a slightly different way.
In many ways it is like when you are driving down a road that you realize you don't know where you are you pay attention more; or just differently.  Maybe you turn the radio off or down. Maybe you check your Google Maps or Iphone GPS; or you call a friend and get suggestions on directions.

The point is you begin to really listen... to pay attention in a more heightened way. 
It isn't that how you 'paid attention' or meditated or prayed or focused in the past was wrong or not sufficient. It is that you are on a different part of the path now, a different road, a different area, neighborhood or even different land.
The set compass doesn't completely work in this 'new land' and so you have to use your  'Inner GPS' to realign or reset your compass to this new terrain.

To reset your compass and align begin to slow down your movements. Even if you are rushing around through your day or are at work.  Stop and do a mental scan.  You will see a mental picture or flash of something; or you will think of something in your life and there will be a certain feeling attached to it. Just file it... Know that something is changing in regards to what flashed in your mind or what you felt or sensed.
Then begin to take more reflective time. Do some breathwork and meditate.  Clear some space for more clarity.  I like to do a walking meditation; or sit quietly and scan my life mentally and on a feeling level and then bring my awareness to the breath.
Once you are in the meditative state ask for signs, ask for help in this passage.  You are simply asking help from your 'Higher Self' or the more expanded part of your consciousness.
And, make sure you leave some space in your day to hear your guidance.

Creating the additional space and taking the additional time is what is needed to align to the new energy or focus that is emerging. 
