It is so great to connect with you and I really appreciate your interest in what I am writing/sharing 
I wanted to let you know I transferred my Meditation blog to:

Conscious Inspired Living - Spiritualism & Meditation

I will still be writing on Meditation and Metaphysics, with an expanded view into the Spiritual Realm,  Spiritual Practices, Yoga, Soul Alignment, Spiritualism-Shamanism; as well as Psychic integration.
I really want to create a wonderful place for connecting and sharing on all that is Spirit Led and focused on the Soul's Unfoldment.  It will be easier for me to combine blogs.
I hope you will join me there, as I won’t be writing at this location.
Also, any thoughts, feedback or questions you have please don’t hesitate to email or put in comments.

Much Peace, Light & Radiant Expression



Inner Workings - Beyond the Surface & Past the Horizon

The qualities that you seek are already within you.

The life that you want to lead is already unfolding through you.

It is through awareness and Soul Alignment that all begins to really make sense.

This alignment begins by feeling what you really feel and noticing where and to what you are drawn.

The awareness of the Soul is a subtle experience that builds over time.

Time is not just of the essence; it is the essence.

The Soul and it's manifestation and out - picturing through the personality happens in stages and increments that allow integration, assimilation and expression.

When you awaken to the Inner Workings of your True Self  you realize that what once seemed to be happening to you externally is really the result of an inner focus or belief.

It is only when one begins to look below the surface of surface things that Truth is revealed.

Not the truth with a small "t"... but the truth that is with the large "T" that encompasses all other truths.

This truth is like the horizon, you can see it and yet it encompasses so much more than the physical eye or mental awareness can fully take in or completely see.

Believe In Your Unlimited Potential

Everyone has specific talents and skills.

Even if you are doing something that 'many' people are doing;  the way you are doing 'it' makes it different from others; as you are unique.

The way we approach our life, talents and gifts can be a form of meditation.

A wonderful "Contemplation" Meditation can be a mini review of 'how' you view yourself and what you do'

It is very eye opening to witness oneself.

Do you see your uniqueness and how what you contribute to your friends, family, society and the world is needed?
Do you see that what you give yourself is 'holy'? - coming from wholeness and integrity.
Do you feel confident about your ideas and abilities?

If not, a further contemplation on why may reveal some inner healing work that needs to be done.

We all have within untapped regions that are rich with abundant resources.
These inner resources can be ideas, abilities, talents or even creative solutions to our life challenges.

For some these inner resources can even be creative ideas or solutions for other people, or even societal challenges.

Begin your a mini review of "How you view you and what you do" and then move into a place of confidence for all you have experienced, all you know, and your unique abilities.

Plant the seeds of  'self appreciation' by finding ways daily or weekly to  nurture your talents, ideas and abilities.

Then let your ideas, talents and abilities root and blossom....